Volunteer Interest Form

1. I hereby acknowledge that I am participating in the Volunteer Program in Kailasa as a volunteer. I understand and agree to follow the teachings and policies of the Program. I certify that I am physically and mentally capable of participating in the activities and I am not suffering from any physical, mental, or psychological disorders. I understand that my participation is at the sole discretion of the Program organizers and I voluntarily agree to waive and release the organizers, promoting organizations, property owners, public entities, and their respective agents and employees from any and all rights and claims arising from my participation. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless all parties from any claims arising from my participation. I understand that the blessings, teachings and suggestions made as part of the Program are not intended as guarantees and the organizers do not make any claims or promises about the individual or group outcome of the Program.

2. By participating in the Volunteer Program in Kailasa, I acknowledge that I am physically and mentally capable, agree to follow all teachings and policies, and agree to waive and release the Program organizers and related parties from any rights or claims arising from my participation.

3. As a volunteer in the Kailasa Volunteer Program, I understand that my participation is at the discretion of the organizers and I voluntarily agree to abide by all teachings and policies. I certify that I am in good physical and mental health, and I agree to waive and release the Program organizers and related parties from any rights or claims that may arise from my participation. Additionally, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless all parties from any claims that may arise from my participation.

4. I am choosing to participate in the Kailasa Volunteer Program as a volunteer and I understand the nature of the activities involved. I certify that I am physically and mentally capable of participating in the activities and I am not suffering from any physical, mental, or psychological disorders. I agree to abide by all teachings and policies of the Program and understand that my participation is at the sole discretion of the Program organizers. I voluntarily agree to waive and release the organizers, promoting organizations, property owners, public entities, and their respective agents and employees from any and all rights and claims arising from my participation. Additionally, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless all parties from any claims that may arise from my participation. I understand that the blessings, teachings, and suggestions made as part of the Program are not intended as guarantees and the organizers do not make any claims or promises about the individual or group outcome of the Program.